New PharmaNet code for medication reviews in PCNs (MR-PCN)

This newsletter was originally published on April 7, 2021 in PharmaCare Newsletter Edition 21-004

Community pharmacists may soon see the PharmaNet code MR-PCN in patient profiles. This new code indicates that a primary care clinical pharmacist (PCCP) working in a primary care network (PCN) has provided either initial or follow-up medication management services for a patient as part of their care team. PCCPs are focused on providing comprehensive care to adult patients with complex health issues and treatment regimens. (See the March PharmaCare Newsletter and the Ministry of Health News for more about pharmacists in B.C. primary care networks.)

Patients may meet with a PCCP several times a year, as needed. Each patient encounter with a PCCP will be documented on PharmaNet as MR-PCN, with a new unique PIN (99000505). MR-PCN claims adjudicate to zero dollars. MR-PCN claims create a time stamp in PharmaNet to let other health care team members, including community pharmacists, know that a patient has an active care plan created and updated regularly by a PCCP.

Patients continue to be eligible for four follow-up medication reviews (MR-F) within 12 months of any prior medication review (including an MR-PCN). As with follow-up on any medication review completed by a different pharmacist, the pharmacist providing the MR-F must obtain a copy of the documentation from the original review.  To obtain documentation for an MR-PCN, call the phone number in the SIG field of the claim listed in PharmaNet.

As per Section 8.9 of the PharmaCare Policy Manual, a patient is eligible for a standard medication review (MR-S) or pharmacist consultation (MR-PC) in the community if the patient hasn’t received another medication review (MR-S, MR-PC, MR-PCN) in the past six months.

Note: MR-PCN claims are not subject to usual PharmaCare policies on medication review templates or patient eligibility criteria. Documentation for a MR-PCN claim will include a care plan and clinical details along with a Best Possible Medication History. PharmaCare’s documentation requirements for MR-F and MR-PC following an MR-PCN are the same as for an MR-F following an MR-S or MR-PC claim submitted by a community pharmacy.

For more information about medication review policies, see PharmaCare Policy Manual Section 8.9, Medication Reviews.



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